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Monthly Archives: October 2007

Zombie Attack Defense Station – Prepare your home!

By udradmin00

In the event of a catastrophic rising of the undead, zombies, Naegleria infected criminally insane, or even reanimated deer, it’s imperative that your home be protected. You can protect your home with style and class by building your own emergency zombie defense station. A simple offensive kit consists of a primary weapon, an ammunitionless weapon, […]

Zombie Preparedness explained in plain english!

By udradmin00

Preparing for an attack by the undead is essential. Everyone must have and follow through on a plan devised to counter any number of uprisings. Stocking up on food, water, rations, equipment and weapons is essential in any emergency situation. Well, weapons are optional in most, but still good to have if packs of rabid […]

Zombie Walk, Tucson AZ

By udradmin00

Reader Ryan Matheson recently participated in a Zombie Walk in Tucson, AZ. Zombie walks involve dozens of people with moulage, dress, and mannerisms mimicing that of the undead. While mainly fun gatherings of limited purpose, they allow both observers and participants to react and plan accordingly to such an outbreak of mass panic or rising […]

Mysterious Meteor crashes in Peru – makes people sick

By udradmin00

Scores of people in a remote Peruvian village have needed treatment after an object from space – said to be a meteorite – plummeted to Earth in a remote area, officials say. Residents who visited the impact crater complained of headaches and nausea. [ad] Locals described the meteorite as a bright, fiery ball with a […]

Brain Eating Amoeba – The Single Celled Horror

By udradmin00

You may think your brain is safe. After all, it’s protected by one of the strongest bones in your body – your skull. Even a flesh-hungry monster or animal would have trouble cracking it open. It’s not impossible of course, but tough to do, even with the jaws of a feral creature. [ad] Have you […]

Scientists create form of reanimation

By udradmin00

Doctors in Philadelphia have found a way to reanmiate dead tissue. Let me be clear, as the original article is a little misleading. Doctors have found a way of prolonging decay and physical/mental death in patients who have been pronounced clinically dead. When a person dies, their cells begin to deteriorate and die as well, […]