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Z World Detroit – Help Fill Detroit with Zombies

By udradmin00

Detroit. It’s that loveable, stalwart city that’s a microcosm of Michigan, possible even the US. It’s also a perfect place for zombies to slowly take over. A ragtag bunch of misfits in my home state have an ambitious project to reanimate part of the forlorn city (although not necessarily rebuild it) into a hands on […]

Zombie Apocalypse 2012 Swiftly Approaches

By udradmin00

 One year left. Z-Day. 2012. The Mayan zombie super-apocalypse. Sensational journalism. Paranoid survivalists. Gun nuts. People out having fun. Boy scouts taking their preparedness to the next level. If you can be ready for this, you can be ready for anything. 2012 and the end of the world has been discussed at length here (dozens of […]

Tabloid Journalism Informs the Masses of Zombies

By udradmin00

In my wanderings across the news, horror, feeds and depths of the Internets for all things zombie, there’s one thing I forgot: Tabloids. As Tommy Lee Jones said in MIB, they are the “Best investigative reporting on the planet. But go ahead, read the New York Times if you want. They get lucky sometimes.” The […]

Latest Pentagon Project: Zombie Pigs

By udradmin00

Here’s some science of the new decade for you: how about draining pigs of their blood, making them clinically dead, and then bringing them back to life? Naturally, this is a military project, and those always end well. The theory goes, if you drain a pig (which has a physiology similar to humans) of blood […]

Happy Halloween! Zombie walks, nerve gas blood and more!

By udradmin00

If you’ve survived last night, that must mean either A) you don’t live in Flint or Detroit or B) they’re just not burning buildings like they used to anymore. Zombie Walk Devil’s Night in Grand Rapids Michigan was a bit more placid than usual. Instead of burning churches like they ususally do, the teeming masses […]

Reanimating Dead Hearts

By udradmin00

So the soviet reanimated animal research continues. What do you get with one part cellular cleaning agent, one dead heart, and a couple of mad scientists? That’s right: reanimated hearts. Perhaps the efforts of earlier commie scientists are still being perfected. Scientists in Minnesota have been injecting dead rat hearts with a cleaning solution, then […]

Soviet Reanimated Dog Head: Film Revisited

By udradmin00

Reanimated corpse! Live on film! I touched a nerve with my earlier post about reanimated dogs heads. This is a followup to that post, as well as an addendum to my article about types of zombies. This would fall under the scientifically reanimated corpse. In the 40’s, the Soviets were working on experiments involving reanimating […]

Reanimation, regenesis and stem cells: Apocalyptic Frontiers

By udradmin00

Stem cell research is a double edged sword. On one hand, the potential benefits to science, humanity and health are immense, and on the other hand it can be plagued with ethical and moral dilemmas involving life, cells, tissue and some may say – playing God. Scientists in Britain are developing a technique to cultivate […]

Scientists create form of reanimation

By udradmin00

Doctors in Philadelphia have found a way to reanmiate dead tissue. Let me be clear, as the original article is a little misleading. Doctors have found a way of prolonging decay and physical/mental death in patients who have been pronounced clinically dead. When a person dies, their cells begin to deteriorate and die as well, […]