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Monthly Archives: January 2013

College class to bring in zombie experts

By udradmin00

Continuing education is important. Your brain will be your best weapon (and most delicious morsel) in the zombie apocalypse. IF you can find a class, forum, or lecture, TAKE IT! Residents of Casper, Wyowing have just such a course at their disposal, led by experts in their respective fields. Experts on zombies will give lectures […]

Hate dysentery? Hate zombies? Survive retro with The Organ Trail!

By udradmin00

If retro gaming has taught me anything, it’s that someone will always die of dysentery. And that someone could have been traded for fuel and food to a roving biker gang. Relive the experience of that classic game “The Oregon Trail” updated for modern times by playing The Organ Trail! The game has been released […]

Zombie threat continues from abusers of strange drugs

By udradmin00

The threat of a zombie apocalypse in 2012 may be over, but that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down. We must remain as vigilant as ever in preventing zombie hordes from stalking the Earth. Lately it appears, those zombies will be self induced. If bath salts weren’t enough of a worry, be on […]