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Monthly Archives: November 2007

2012 and the Zombie Apocalypse

By udradmin00

“I’ll give you the 2012 thing”, she said, “but a zombie apocalypse? Come on, you don’t really believe that do you?” The 2012 thing – if you’re reading this article, chances are you’re already familiar with it. The 2012 thing refers to the conveniently predicted end-of-the-world or great change coming December 21st, 2012. Many apocalypse […]

Reanimation, regenesis and stem cells: Apocalyptic Frontiers

By udradmin00

Stem cell research is a double edged sword. On one hand, the potential benefits to science, humanity and health are immense, and on the other hand it can be plagued with ethical and moral dilemmas involving life, cells, tissue and some may say – playing God. Scientists in Britain are developing a technique to cultivate […]

Zombie Short – What to do in a Zombie Attack

By udradmin00

Don’t let its quasi government-propaganda features confuse you, this propaganda dates way back to 2006. It’s still an amusing, if slightly ill-conceived film. It does offer some good points and tips if you find yourself trapped in your home surrounded by the undead. I will have to argue with its first source of weaponry – […]

Immortal Cells – Zombie cancer of mankind

By udradmin00

Zombies are like a cancer on mankind. They simply don’t stop their horrendous task of eating and destroying and not dying. If you’re not consumed, you become one of the undead. A plague upon the earth, forever replicating and never dying. Of course, such a thing must eventually break down and wear out because it […]

M1 Garand: Semi-auto Zombie Decapitator

By udradmin00

Undead Report reader Kender submits the following weapon review. Ever find yourself waking up in the morning and thinking: “Boy, if there was a zombie infestation today, what would I do to protect myself and those around me?” If you don’t you are a total selfish jerk who should be more concerned about the important things in life, such as not being eaten […]