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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Z World Detroit – Help Fill Detroit with Zombies

By udradmin00

Detroit. It’s that loveable, stalwart city that’s a microcosm of Michigan, possible even the US. It’s also a perfect place for zombies to slowly take over. A ragtag bunch of misfits in my home state have an ambitious project to reanimate part of the forlorn city (although not necessarily rebuild it) into a hands on […]

Face-eating drugged-up attacks continue

By udradmin00

There’s something going on in the hot muggy climates of the southern United States. Another person has had his face gnawed upon by a drugged up attacker, someone he knew, and a suspect threatens to eat police officers. Louisiana In Lousiana, a swift attack mirrors that of the Miami Zombie. Scott resident Carl Jacquneaux  bit […]